Spend Less Time In Spreadsheets So You Can Focus On Growing Your Network

Streamline your broadband construction and operations with data aggregation, dashboards, and analytics. Broadband Insights integrates data from your tech stack, to build a comprehensive view of operational metrics and KPIs so your team can make the right decisions on your fiber deployment.

Check Out Our Pole Assessment Map Created In Collaboration With Vulcan Line Tools

Our Services

Data Integration

Aggregate data across your broadband tech stack and create key metrics


Customizable dashboards to visualize metrics, KPIs, trends and statistics for your network deployment.


Scheduled .pdf reports delivered to your inbox and historical archives with “Snapshot Engine”

Broadband Analytics

Analytics Platform

Empower your analytics team with data science tools to perform in depth analysis for your FTTH, fiber, and network projects.

Broadband Data QA Tools

Data QA Utilities

Automated monitoring and notifications on service health, API issues, out of range checks, and missing data.

Broadband Data Analysis
Broadband Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Understand your broadband deployment by drilling down to investigate progress and opportunities

Unlock The Power Of Data

We Transform Raw Information into Actionable Insights. Don’t let valuable data go to waste—aggregate, analyze, and empower your leaders to make informed decisions, saving both time and money.


We collect and organize your key operational data on customer activity, construction progress and financials


We refine your data with a uniform schema to snapshot KPIs and warehouse key entities


We backup and store your data in a secure location with multiple failovers.


We create custom metrics and dashboards that tell the story of your network build.

Track your network build progress

Keep up with your RGU and ARPU

Using custom metrics like households passed and homes earned you can predict your customer density and optimize your fiber builds.